The Emerald Haven is Free Now
The Emerald Haven is now up on Amazon, Smashwords, Wattpad AND Offprint. There's also a link to download the epub file directly right here on this site on the "Works" page.
The next book is coming along, working title "The Amethyst Dawn". It will be the third and final entry in the Sapphire Shadow trilogy, so get pumped, get hyped, leave reviews and ratings or just...you know...enjoy the story!
More Links for The Sapphire Shadow
As promised, I've added new links for The Sapphire Shadow over on the "Works" page. It's up on Smashwords again, finally. There's also a link for a direct download of the whole book in EPUB form! Taking me a bit longer to get around to it than I would like but The Emerald Haven will be available in all the same places/forms soon enough.
So here's the thing: My first book was free as long as you were paying for Kindle Unlimited. But I've cancelled its enrollment in KDP Select, so it costs ninety-nine whole cents now on Amazon no matter what.
The whole reason I did this was so that I can post it for free wherever else. SO, if you click on over to my "Works" page, there are now more links by the book. It's up in its entirety on Wattpad and Offprint right now, and coming soon it will also be available on SmashWords. I just want to make sure the ebook is nice and cleaned up first. Said ebook will also be available to directly download, for free, from my website. The Emerald Haven will be getting the same treatment at the end of December when its KDP Select enrollment term is up.
Obviously I really appreciate it if you love the book so much that you spend a dollar on it anyway. But I have no problem with the book being free and shared far and wide. Leave a review! Tell your friends! If you really really HAVE to give me money, there's a Ko-Fi link at the top of this page!
Made It Home
Went on a trip. Had a few weeks off there, just resting and getting myself together after working on The Emerald Haven for so long. Felt good, feeling ready to get back on the keyboard. The third and final book in the Sapphire Shadow trilogy isn't coming soon, but it is coming.
Side note, I was too late to mention it in time, but HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH. If you click on over to the "Works" section, there's a link to some free short horror stories down at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!
THE EMERALD HAVEN is live on Amazon!
My new book is out! You can find a link over in the WORKS section. Big thanks to everyone who read the first one and told me they needed a sequel, it really kept me going. The book will be free starting tomorrow until 10/5, so grab a copy! THANK YOU FOR READING!
It's coming out a little later than I wanted, BUT. The sequel to The Sapphire Shadow is all set up on Amazon and going live this FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1ST. THE EMERALD HAVEN picks up several years after the events of the first book, and you can find the link and description over on the WORKS page! Many thanks to everyone who helped me get this put together! It's been a long, weird couple of years since the first book came out, but here we are. Please check it out, tell your friends, leave a rating or review!
Hello and welcome! I now have a website where you can find me, my writing, and any news about my writing! Currently that's only one novel and a series of short stories over on the WORKS page, but the sequel to THE SAPPHIRE SHADOW should be released later this month.
Here you can find things that I've written. I've included links both to places where you can pay money for them, as well as places where they can be read or downloaded for free. If you enjoy my work and want to support me with a dollar, that's great and I appreciate it. If you don't have a dollar, enjoy my work anyway and tell your friends! Leave ratings and reviews!
Nadia loves jewels. Big ones, small ones, red ones, blue ones. But her favorite variety is the illegally acquired. She has more than enough money to buy the best. That’s never been the point. Shoplifting is her hobby, her escape. When her high school friend, Tess, offers to help her break into real burglary, how could she refuse? Tess is a technical genius - she designed and built her own right arm. Surely she can take down any security standing in their way to bigger and better loot.
Outside the city walls, Jackson was raised in the slums. Life as a refugee was never easy, and the only way out was joining the army. Now she’s a cop, finally living inside the old sea walls. She’s supposed to be hunting Cheshire, a reclusive hacktivist stirring up unrest, but the nightly news is full of a smug young woman breaking the law and getting away with it, blowing kisses as she escapes police and private security. Theatrical, daring heists, thrilling to watch. And Jackson hates every minute of it.
Meanwhile, the city they both call home is slowly tearing itself apart around them. Jackson crushes riot after riot, just part of the job. But more and more it feels wrong, hopeless, no point to any of it, no future for any of them.
Nadia has given up on the future. But more and more people see her escapades and realize they can fight back. It doesn’t make sense to Nadia, not at first, but an unlikely romance starts to show her that there could be some hope, even in a broken world.
Nadia Ashpool was infamous as the elusive cat burglar the Sapphire Shadow, stealing at will and mocking the authorities in a series of dazzling heists. But her reign of fabulous terror ended in a spectacular arrest, and she’s been locked away in solitary for almost three years. When she finally escapes, her family comes after her with every soldier in their vast private army, stopping at nothing to end her little rebellion.
But rebellion is the last thing on Nadia's mind. Simply surviving is hard enough. Luckily she has the help of the genius cyberterrorist Tess Tanaka and Alice Jackson, a former cop turned renegade criminal. Together, they make a run for somewhere, anywhere, any safe place left at all in a world twisted by the ravages of climate change.
The city of Haven calls itself "The Safest City in the World." And it is. For some people. But there's no such thing as a safe place for people who would stand up for themselves. Sometimes you can't run and hide.
Sometimes, you have no choice but to fight back.
Coming in late 2022, maybe 2023
Lost Hunters
A series of short horror stories about hunters of the paranormal.
Part 1 - The Gardener
Two men arrive at a small town in rural Oregon. Children are going missing. The forests are burning down. Panic is setting in, and time is running out.
M and J might not be the brightest of hunters, but they'll do what they can.
Part 2 - The Unheard
A solo hunter named Lilith leads a trio of teenagers to confront a ghost in their high school. She never used to believe in ghosts. Never used to believe in any of this. But the facts were the facts, and she'd been fired for trying to tell the truth.
She isn't about to stop trying to protect people, though.
Part 3 - The Library Card
Crosby is an old hunter. This isn't his first time seeing a situation like this. People disappearing into a building for days. None of them coming back. No way to know what's waiting for him inside.
No way to find out but to go into the old library himself.
Part 4 - The Waiting Demons
There are demons waiting everywhere, ready to pounce on the smallest sign of weakness. Mrs. Patience has always known this, even before she became a hunter.
Now it is her and her husband's job to bring light to dark places.
Part 5 - The Slouching Beast
Diana isn't a hunter. She watches. And she guides.
But something is hunting her.
Short Stories
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Adoring praise?
You can send all of those to jameswakewritesbooks@gmail.com
You can also find me on twitter @WakeBooks